·       Whereas, Creditor Cure is a website owned, operated, and governed by dba Creditor Cure; and

·       Whereas, Creditor Cure Inc is a registered entity providing services in areas as specified on its website; and

·       Whereas, these Terms of Service have been drafted to provide information regarding rules, regulations, and conditions set by dba Creditor Cure for their website; and

·       Whereas, throughout the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer the terms such as “we”, “our”, and “us” as well as Creditor Cure have been used to describe dba Creditor’s website and services therein.

·       Therefore, after availing, using, or visiting the website of Creditor Cure the users, customers, clients and visitors will be assumed to be in consent with these Terms of Service as well as our Privacy Policy.   


The following Terms and Conditions (“Terms”, “Terms of Use”, “Terms of Service”, “Creditor Cure”) govern all use of our services, online platform and website (collectively called “services” and “website”) called Creditor Cure. These Terms, as well as our Privacy Policy posted on Creditor Cure’s website, shall also be equally applicable and enforced to the offers, services and projects of CREDITOR CURE. These terms are primarily directed towards all the clients, users, and buyers (“user”, “buyer”) as well as any visitors of Creditor Cure’s website.  

1.1. User Agreement

All the terms in our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and any other legal document constitute an agreement between you and Creditor Cure. These terms shall apply to you as a user, visitor, trainer, coach, athlete or anyone who has used our services or accessed this website. If you are not in agreement with the terms provided on this page or any one of the terms, you may not access the website in whole or in part and you also can not use any of our services.

1.2. Acknowledgement

By accessing this website using any of our services, you confirm that:

a.     You will provide accurate and correct data and information in order to avail of our service(s).

b.     No attorney-client relationship or privilege is created between you and Creditor Cure

c.     You agree that the platform of Creditor Cure is not a legal service-providing entity nor it is a law firm. We do not claim to be a law official, legal advocate or attorney. Therefore, none of the services provided by Creditor Cure should be constituted or comparable to that of an attorney or legal officer. Therefore, you as a client confirm that you shall be representing yourself in any legal matter and will not be held Creditor Cure liable for not representing you or your associate(s).  

d.     We are only going to offer our services based on the data we receive. Therefore, CREDITOR CURE will not be held responsible for the accuracy or transparency of the service being offered. Any claim or issue resulting from the accuracy, motion or letter shall be upon you and you alone. 

1.3. Requirements

a.     You must be 18 years old or above.

b.     You must be a USA resident.

c.     You must not be otherwise barred or restricted by any law from signing the legal documents.

d.     You need to pay our charges before availing of any of our services.

e.     You need to provide us with some data, please review our Privacy Policy for more details.


In our website's official documents:

a.     “Agreement” means the acceptance of these Terms along with our Privacy Policy by all users of our platform/ website.   

b.     “CCPA” means California Consumer Privacy Act as explained in our Privacy Policy.

c.     “Copyright” means any item of confidential information in which copyright.

d.     “Payment Methods” mean the methods under which the buyer or client can purchase or subscribe to the services from our website.   

e.     “Service” means the services attainable through our website.

f.      “User” means anyone who is registered on our website and who is going to use any of our services.


After the account registration, it will be the responsibility of the user to keep your login information confidential. The user alone will be responsible for any activity that happens under his/her account whether or not they have authorized it. If any user or account holder of our website has a reason to believe that their account and/or login information has been compromised, they are requested to contact us immediately.


The source code, logos, audio, videos, compositions, words, design, videos, samples, layout, graphics, photos, images, information, materials, documents, data, databases, and all other information and intellectual property accessible on or through our website is the property of Creditor Cure and is protected by intellectual property laws. If you have used a service or subscription or otherwise entered into a separate agreement with us you will also be subject to the terms of that agreement or those terms of service, which shall prevail in the event of a conflict.

4.1. Grant Of Limited License.

All users and buyers and hereby granted a limited license for the purpose of using our website’s services. Users have the authority to share the product links and our website on their social media platforms within certain limits. You affirm, confirm and agree that you will not exploit any portion of our service and you are not authorized to use any of the services unless you have acquired prior written permission from us.


The clients will make the payment according to the services they have chosen to receive. There will only be a one-time payment and it will be paid in whole before the start of our services. Whenever you use our services, they will be according to the rules and regulations. All prices that have been settled before the start of a project are final. The client can pay us through credit cards. We support Visa, Mastercard, Discovery and American Express

5.1. Disclaimer of Liability

a.     While availing any of the payment methods offered by us, we are not responsible or take no liability of whatsoever nature in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly to you including but not limited to the following :

·       Lack of authorization for any transactions since all payments will be processed through Visa, Master, American Express, or Discover.

·       Any payment issues arising out of the transaction.

·       The decline of transactions for any other reasons.

5.2. Refund Policy And Cancellation

We offer a complete and 100% satisfaction guarantee to the clients. Therefore, if any of our work is not admitted in a court of law for any reason, the clients will get a complete refund.

Cancellation can only be done if after the start of the service we have completed the work. Otherwise, there will not be any cancellations and no refunds will be granted.


Any act or situation which is beyond our control is known as a “Force Majeure Event”. In such a circumstance, we are not liable for any failure to perform or delay in the performance of our obligations or shipping under our general terms. In any such event, the order or project can be canceled and any amount retained will be refunded.  Any act, event, non-happening, omission, or accident beyond our control includes (but is not limited to):

a.     Strikes, lock-outs, or other industrial action.

b.     Civil commotion, riot, invasion, cyber-attack, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not), or threat or preparation for war.

c.     Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic, or other natural disasters.

d.     Impossibility of the use of railways, shipping, aircraft, motor transport, or other means of public or private transport.

e.     Interruption or failure of utility service (including the inability to use public or private telecommunications networks).

f.      Failure of any workforce availability due to any reason.

g.     The acts, decrees, legislation, regulations, or restrictions of any government.

We will use our reasonable endeavors to bring any Force Majeure Event to a close or to find a solution by which our obligations under the general terms or any related contract between us may be performed despite the Force Majeure Event.


participating in your own free will in using our services. We are only providing our services as services providers and must not be considered as financial advisors and we recommend you consult with a financial professional before making any serious decisions related to your finances or personal life. You submit, affirm and confirm that you have knowledge that we are only providing services as independent consultants and that the materials being provided are in no shape by our website and should be assumed to be considered as a bit of professional investment advice. Therefore, by using our services you acknowledge that you’ll use your due diligence and judgment before attaining any services from us. Further, you’ll do the same before relying on any information provided by or through our services.


The information contained in our content and material has been included after thorough research. However, this information has not been evaluated by any regulatory authority. In no shape or even shall we be liable to you for something you assumed and acted on after reading or obtaining the information through our website’s content. We will not be held liable for something that happened to your legal, medical or financial status. In no way or form shall we be held responsible for any loss, failure, or misleading investment that you chose to make after going through any information provided on or through our content and material. You as the buyer of our services must discern any risk before start using our services. By using our services and any information through our services, you hereby indemnify us from all future claims, lawsuits, legal procedures, criminal liabilities, and any other legal action.


You can contact us at info@creditorcure.com in order to know more about our services.